Guidance for submitting pupil data to Action Tutoring
This guidance is for the school staff who will be using Action Tutoring’s online form to provide the pupil data necessary to run our programmes.
How do I access the form?
The link for the form will be provided to you by the Programme Coordinator running the programme.
How do I fill in the form?
Your school name and Programme Coordinator details will be prefilled at the top of the form.
This is followed by the questions you will need to answer, and the data table:
1. Select the number of pupils you will be uploading.
This will provide the correct number of rows in the data table. The form allows up to 25 pupils to be uploaded at once.
2. Specify if all pupils on the programme are in the same year group.
If yes, select which year group from the drop down list that appears. This will be applied to all students.
If no, you will need to select the year group for each pupil in the data table.
3. Let us know if you’re willing and able to provide the preferred pronouns of your pupils. This data is optional to provide and can be provided for any or all pupils.
If yes, a drop down will appear in the Pronouns column in the data table so you can select the correct pronouns for each pupil.
If no, the Pronouns column will not change.
4. Fill out the data table for each pupil. Any required data points are marked by a red asterisk (*) on the form.
5. Press ‘Next Page’.
6. If there is any additional information you would like us to know about the pupils, write it in the text box provided. If there is nothing to share, this box can be left blank.
7. Tick the ‘I am not a robot’ box.
8. Press ‘Submit Pupil Data’. You will be taken to an overview page to review all details.
If you notice anything is incorrect, click ‘Make a correction’ at the bottom of the page to go back and make edits.
If you wish to print this page for your records, use the button at the bottom of the page.
If you’re happy with the data, click ‘Confirm’ at the bottom of the page. You must press confirm to finalise your submission.
9. You will be taken to a Thank You page which confirms this data has been uploaded.
What if I can’t fill in everything at once?
If you have started filling in the information but need to come back to it later, click ‘Save my progress and resume later’, which appears in the top and bottom right of the form.
This will ask you to enter your email address and create a password, and will save any details you have entered to the form so far.
To resume the form, follow the same link given to you by your Programme Coordinator and click ‘Resume a previously saved form’ in the top right. You will need to log in using the details you provided when you saved your progress, and then you can continue filling in the form.
Where can I get more information?
For details on what data we collect, why we ask for it, and how we use and protect it, please see our Privacy Notice for Schools.
If you need further information on any of the above or have any questions, please speak to your Programme Coordinator or our Data Manager (beckyjones@actiontutoring.org.uk).