Success Stories

Erika, Headteacher at Dalmain Primary School

Action Tutoring has been working with Dalmain Primary school in south London since autumn 2018, supporting their Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. 

The Headteacher, Erika Eisele, reflects on the partnership:

I worked with Action Tutoring at my previous school and was certain that I wanted to work with them at Dalmain too. Their impact is huge and the confidence the children gain from this intensive and highly focused work is second to none. The budget implications are small when considering the quality of practitioner and enormous impact all of the tutors have on our children.

Giving the children this time to pre-teach or consolidate learning gives them an enormous boost in confidence and understanding. Being in a smaller, bespoke group allows children the opportunity to ask questions, go at their own pace and have that intensive interaction with a skilled adult which makes all the difference to outcomes. The progress we have seen as a result of Action Tutoring’s programme has been incredible in outcomes and confidence.

Tutoring session taking place at Dalmain

Action Tutoring’s programme aligns very well with our school’s curriculum and in-class teaching goals. The charity takes the time to get to know the school, the needs of the children and our priorities. Coupled with their exceptional understanding of the curriculum and child development, children excel under their care.

I would describe the quality of the tutoring provided, in terms of tutor expertise and professionalism, as absolutely exceptional in all areas.

I would recommend Action Tutoring to other schools without question. I would recommend them for their impact, the confidence they instil in children every year, their flexibility to find the right approach so that each child can excel, their professionalism and for the amazing progress children make as a direct result of their tuition.

I’d also like to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to the volunteer tutors for all that they do – please know the enormous impact you have and the difference you make every session with our children and for their life chances.