Meet Imogen: Find out why she loves tutoring
5 November 2024
Meet Imogen – a university student studying English Literature. We spoke to her to find out why she’s loved her tutoring placement and what rank as her highlights.
Imogen’s aspirations
I’ve long aspired to work with children. I really enjoy the idea of helping children grow and succeed both academically and socially.
Imogen’s reason for choosing Action Tutoring
Given I plan on teaching after completing my degree, I wanted to find an organisation to help me better understand education. After researching options for my university placement, I chose Action Tutoring.
Their ambition of supporting every child, regardless of their background, inspired me. It’s something I believe is extremely powerful and important. The idea of joining a community where everyone’s working to close the attainment gap was invigorating.
Additionally, the charity’s flexibility in offering online and in-person tutoring sessions is great for both my degree and supporting pupils on a much wider scale.
Imogen’s highlights
I recall one pupil in their first tutoring session presenting as slightly reserved. The pupil didn’t like reading aloud. I feel they preferred me to mostly speak and ask questions, while they listened and mainly answered yes or no.
Post-session, I spent some time considering ways to encourage the pupil to get more involved and enjoy the session. In our second session, we spent 10 minutes playing getting to know each other games. This helped the pupil feel much more comfortable. By the third session, without prompting, they asked if they could read the main text for the day’s session.
I was amazed at the pupil’s increased confidence, their engagement and enjoyment. It solidified to me why I became a volunteer tutor for Action Tutoring.
Imogen’s confidence increase through Action Tutoring’s support
As this was my first time tutoring, I was slightly apprehensive and nervous on what to expect. Thankfully, Action Tutoring’s extensive resources massively helped. Workbooks, introductory games, fun activities and online resources outside of initial training, all offered me a greater understanding of my role. It really built my confidence before my first session.
I was also apprehensive about tutoring online. I’d no prior experience using Action Tutoring’s Vedamo system. Thanks to the charity’s Vedamo tutorial, I more easily uploaded online resources and understood the system much better. This made online tutoring seem much less daunting. I spent less time worrying, instead planning – and looking forward to – tutoring.
What Imogen has learnt
Being a volunteer tutor with Action Tutoring has enhanced certain skills I can apply to daily life, like planning. Pre-session planning has encouraged me to precisely plan and structure things like university essay writing.
Why Imogen believes you should volunteer with Action Tutoring
Action Tutoring has set a foundation for my future career aspirations which could otherwise have been difficult to achieve. I’ve managed to explore what it’s like to teach and educate children, and educate myself on what becoming a teacher requires.
It’s also priceless seeing a pupil’s smile when they achieve something they felt they couldn’t do. So with this all in mind, I’d recommend signing up today.
How tutoring has changed my life: University placement student Oscar shares his tutor journey
4 October 2024
Meet Oscar. The Nottingham Trent University psychology student has tutored
more than 30 sessions with Action Tutoring. He shared his tutor journey with us and why he’s drawn to the joy of tutoring, including for both primary and secondary school pupils. He also explains how he helps pupils to reach that moment where they cheer ‘I
get it’.
I discovered Action Tutoring during my second year through my university
placements. Sessions were being advertised and I had the chance to complete a
60 hour placement, alongside my university work.
People power
I’ve always been greatly interested in working with people including customers
and colleagues. I only started university aged 22 which helped me reflect on my
preferred career path and where to study. This led me to study psychology with
counselling. I’ve not looked back and I aspire to become a counsellor or
psychotherapist. This is why signing up to Action Tutoring has given me real-life
examples of making a difference to people.
Why I’ve no regrets in tutoring
I have no regrets of signing up as a volunteer tutor for Action Tutoring. I quickly
became invested in their mission, understanding how they reach and support
pupils facing disadvantage. I’d previously supported Year 11 pupils before their
GCSEs at a school, so I was really keen to volunteer.
Tutoring: No greater feeling
In my short time as a volunteer tutor, I’ve enjoyed many great sessions and
moments. It’s amazing when a pupil solves a maths problem, or when they
haven’t had the best day and they leave a session with a huge smile.
I’ve definitely experienced a pupil achieving a ‘lightbulb moment’. This includes
when I described something which helped them understand a certain concept. I
was also so happy when I covered a session with three pupils who all wanted me
to tutor them again. Another great feeling is when a session finishes and each
pupil shows improvement and their understanding scores as 10 out of 10.
Tutoring definitely has been incredible and so rewarding.
What I’ve learnt through volunteering
I’ve learnt an enormous amount. Being able to work at my own pace has been
really helpful. This has enabled me to offer new reflections on pupils’ learning, as
well as my own. Another aspect is noting there an infinite number of different teaching approaches.
Additionally, I’ve gained huge experience from needing to adapt
every single session to best engage individual pupils.
Overcoming anxiety and challenges
Initially, I had some anxiety around engaging students and offering strong online
sessions. These worries quickly disappeared from the very first session.
What helped me immensely to overcome challenges while volunteering was
Action Tutoring’s online platform. Also, having the charity’s programme
coordinator available for direct contact throughout the session was very
It’s been great to engage with coordinators in session debriefs too. I’ve found this
very useful for reflection and connection. Being able to openly discuss strengths
and improvements within a session has been invaluable to my development.
Life-changing tutoring
I’m very proud to have been part of the Action Tutoring volunteer tutor team.
Volunteering really has changed my life. I’ve been able to utilise many skills to
help secure job interviews and job offers. Volunteering has also helped me
enhance my communication, organisation and adaptability.
What I’ve also really enjoyed is meeting many different programme coordinators
during cover sessions. Most importantly, working with the pupils Action Tutoring
reaches is massively rewarding. It really makes me feel as though I’m making a
difference to these young people’s lives.
Get involved
I’d encourage anyone considering volunteering to get involved. The training and
wealth of resources really helps. I’ve certainly learnt an enormous amount
through using the Bright Ideas online training. The Vedamo programme is also
super easy and it can make for life-changing tutor-pupil sessions. In addition, the
workbooks, including game templates, are easily laid out, with relevant examples
and walkthroughs.
It’s also great to be able to tutor online. Reaching pupils across England’s schools
through tutoring is amazing. I could comfortably work from home while ensuring
I can provide high quality sessions between university and work commitments.
Becoming a volunteer tutor is so much more impactful than I expected. Thank you for having me!
To sign up to become an Action Tutoring volunteer tutor, apply below.
Hidden disadvantage, visible impact: Action Tutoring is tackling rural educational challenges
12 August 2024
In the realm of educational support, the challenges faced by rural and coastal communities often fly under the radar. While urban areas frequently dominate discussions about educational disadvantage, we at Action Tutoring, also want to shed light on the unique hurdles faced by pupils in more remote locations.
Rural inequity in education is a complex issue, often invisible to traditional metrics like Pupil Premium percentages. It manifests in hidden disadvantage such as families relying on seasonal employment, more limited access to resources and a smaller choice, and therefore competition, of schools.
Recognising this gap, Action Tutoring has expanded its reach to more rural settings in areas such as Devon and Cumbria, and will continue to extend this reach in the coming academic year. This initiative marks a significant step in addressing the educational needs of pupils in rural and coastal areas, bringing targeted support to communities where it’s desperately needed but often overlooked.
A coastal example
Kingsbridge Community College in Devon has worked with Action Tutoring since April 2024. It is one of 5 colleges we now work with in the county. Tina Graham, Principal at Kingsbridge, shared her insights on the transformative impact of their first term with Action Tutoring. She tells of how this partnership is not just boosting academic performance, but also building confidence and engagement among pupils facing unique challenges.
Despite a relatively low Pupil Premium percentage, Kingsbridge faces unique challenges.
“We first started working with Action Tutoring because we liked the ethos of the organisation. The charity uses specifically trained volunteer tutors with a focus on pupils who are facing disadvantage.“
“Because we are located in a rural, coastal town, there is a significant amount of hidden disadvantage. We see lots of families rely on seasonal employment and often families are not eligible for state support but they spend many months of the year in financial hardship. We are continually looking for ways to support the pupils from those families.”
The principal’s enthusiasm for the program is evident. “Our experience of Action Tutoring has been absolutely fantastic. It is a professional and solution-focused organisation. Our programme coordinator, Lauren, has been absolutely phenomenal. She keeps the pupils at the heart of everything and has built fantastic relationships with other members of staff in the college.“
Visible impact on student engagement
The positive effects of tutoring have been remarkable. “We’ve seen a significant boost in student confidence,” Ms Graham notes. “Even initially reluctant pupils are now actively engaging in their work”. This improvement extends beyond tutoring sessions. “Our pupils have responded really well to the tutoring and we have seen a positive impact. Most were well engaged at the start but some really lacked confidence. The tutoring has built this confidence up and we can see that they are much happier and more able to converse with their tutors.
“We have had some pupils who were reluctant to do any work, and reluctant to pick up their pens in their normal lessons but who are now much more able to engage with their work after the tutoring. We also felt that the tutoring gave the Year 10 pupils much more confidence when they came to sit their end of year exams.“
The principle was not the only staff member whom the effects of tutoring had made an impact on. She noted that the English department heads had been monitoring the tutoring closely and were really impressed. “They have both noticed the shift in engagement levels of the pupils who are receiving the support.“
Building lasting relationships
Ms Graham concludes with heartfelt gratitude: “We wholeheartedly recommend Action Tutoring to other colleges. The volunteer tutors have built remarkably strong relationships with our pupils, evident in the pupils’ eagerness to return each week.
“Because of our experience we would absolutely recommend Action Tutoring to other colleges. I’d like to say a huge thank you to the volunteer tutors who have supported our pupils. They have built such strong, remarkable relationships and that is evident in the fact that the pupils want to come back each week.”
Action Tutoring’s success at Kingsbridge Community College demonstrates the power of targeted support in addressing educational disparities, particularly in rural and coastal areas facing hidden disadvantages.
Continuing to reach rural communities
As Action Tutoring expands its partnerships in Devon and other rural areas, we have the potential to make a significant impact on closing the attainment gap in these often-underserved communities. We recognise that equity in education isn’t just about targeting obvious areas of deprivation. It is also about reaching into communities where challenges may be less visible but equally impactful. We are hopeful that this initiative could serve as a model for addressing rural educational inequity on a broader scale.
Tutor spotlight: Eleanor Grandchamp – future children’s speech & language therapist
2 October 2023
Today we are shining a spotlight on an Action Tutoring volunteeer, Eleanor Grandchamp. Tutoring has been an instrumental part of Eleanor’s journey to becoming a children’s speech and language therapist. It inspired her choice of career, as well as being valuable experience that helped her land a job in a school and a spot on a competitive language therapy master’s course.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m Eleanor and I have been a tutor and advocate for Action Tutoring since 2020. I currently work in a primary school delivering speech and language therapy and behavioural support to a named child. I am due to start my master’s in Speech and Language Therapy at Reading University in September. I hope to be qualified as a paediatric SLT (speech and language therapist) with my own clinic one day, delivering free sessions in schools in economically deprived areas of the UK.
I learnt about Action Tutoring at my fresher’s fair at the University of West England, where I joined a local tutoring programme in Bristol in my first year (2019). I chose to help different year groups every time: Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, and Year 11.
Because of this, when I graduated, I found a job in a primary school rather than secondary school as I had already found that my teaching style resonated more with primary school children and I wanted to develop that further. Without Action Tutoring, I would not have been sure what year group I enjoyed teaching the most.
How do you feel your tutoring experience has helped you in your current role and how has it helped you secure a place on a speech and language therapy course?
My current job as a SEN LSA (special educational needs learning support assistant) in a primary school is very similar to tutoring but on a one-to-one basis instead. Action Tutoring taught me how to follow a programme and personalise it for each child. My employer was impressed with how prepared I was to teach and this was due to my time tutoring every week with Action Tutoring. Having tutored on and off for 3 years both in person and online, I had a large amount of contact hours with schools and teaching, which is what I needed to qualify for my job role.
Through working with Action Tutoring, I developed a passion for speech and language therapy. I saw how it impacted a child’s educational and personal development and researched ways to overcome this, such as becoming a paediatric speech and language therapist.
When applying for my master’s course, the university was impressed with my dedication to tutoring during my own studies. It showed my dedication to improving the education sector in my local Bristol area.
What are your goals for the future?
My goals for the future have been inspired by Action Tutoring. Once I am a fully qualified paediatric speech and language therapist, I would like to offer free speech and language therapy training for the staff working in schools with children affected by these disabilities, or free speech and language therapy sessions for the children and their families.
Similarly to tutoring, there is a long wait until resources can be accessed by the children and by then it may be too late or not fully provide what is needed to help them. I would like to be part of the movement Action Tutoring has started to create equal opportunities for all children regardless of economic background. to give them a fighting chance to achieve their goals.
Because of You campaign celebrates the impact of volunteer tutors on pupils
13 January 2023
Lyron’s dream of becoming a successful singer and actor in the future fuels his passion for singing in the church choir and exploring theatre. The primary six pupil at Comber Grove School in London previously struggled with understanding mathematical concepts. After receiving tutoring support from Action Tutoring and constant motivation from his mother to keep practising maths, Lyron is experiencing a positive turnaround.
I feel more confident in maths now, which means I can ace my SATs. My tutor is very good at helping me to improve in the subject
Tutors have helped improve the academic outcomes and confidence of many young people. The impact tutors have on pupils goes beyond grades, with many mentoring and sharing advice with young people to build their resilience and confidence and to encourage them to think about their future career paths. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and a learning environment that enables them to fulfil their potential. Tutors support the work of teachers to give children a stronger educational foundation to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow.
Through the Because of You campaign, Action Tutoring celebrates the marked difference volunteer tutors make to pupils through their selfless and dedicated commitment. Volunteers are the bedrock of Action Tutoring’s work and play a valuable role in driving the education charity’s purpose and impact. With the bigger goal of helping to narrow the stark academic attainment gap, Action Tutoring optimises the power of its passionate volunteers to support disadvantaged young people across the country.
The Because of You campaign comes hot on the heels of Action Tutoring receiving The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Volunteering Award last month, which recognised the service and impact of its inspiring volunteer tutors on disadvantaged young people across England. The award celebrates the fantastic work of Action Tutoring’s volunteers to empower young people and provide them with skills and opportunities.
Action Tutoring delivers tutoring through the support of its diverse pool of volunteers who come from a variety of different backgrounds, including university students, full-time or part-time employees from different sectors of business, and retired professionals. Not only do volunteers help pupils achieve better grades, but they also serve as positive role models by creating a supportive environment for learning and mentoring pupils to thrive in school and beyond. Last year alone, our volunteer tutors delivered a staggering 30,855 tutoring sessions, in-person and online, to support 6,159 primary and secondary pupils facing disadvantage.
Over the last decade, Action Tutoring has been delivering academic support to disadvantaged young people through the dedication of our volunteer tutors and in partnership with schools. With the support of over 11,500 dedicated volunteer tutors, the charity has supported over 26,000 primary and secondary school pupils since 2012.
Action Tutoring has been working to help narrow the academic attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their better-off peers at both primary and secondary levels – which is at its widest for ten years.
In the current challenging environment of the rising cost of living, volunteers continue to support pupils with their knowledge and skills to get a better start in life. Lyon is grateful to his tutor and all others for dedicating their time and efforts to create a better future for disadvantaged young people.
Thank you very much for helping me all through these months. You’ve been helping me to try and improve my maths. I hope because of you, I will ace my SATS and do very well. Thank you.
Become a volunteer tutor with Action Tutoring and help disadvantaged children improve their academic strength and build a better future. With just one hour a week, you can volunteer to tutor pupils in English or maths at primary or secondary level, online or in-person. No previous teaching experience is required and we will provide you with all the tutoring resources you need.